Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Better later than never...

 Sunrise Black sea 
    Lately I came back from a lovely midterm evs training in Predeal, which made me realize, that I had already spent 7 amazing months in Romania without realizing how fast the time actually flies. Well, that's a lie, because I realize time going extremely fast here. I even think there is some kind of mysterious Transylvanian magic involved.   But that's not a point, I think it's really important to make my last months here count. For that reason, I m making a promise to myself to reflect more on my life here - so welcome to this kind of a diary of an evs volunteer.
   I don't think it's extremely important to go into details about what is European Voluntary Service, because the mighty google (spell-check says i should write it with a capital letter, mhm)  will tell you all about this cool experience if you don't know anything about it. I always knew I want to participate in it, so lucky me now, enjoying and struggling at the same time, in the project in one of the most beautiful cities I had ever lived - Cluj Napoca.   
    I work in a girls orphanage together with a girl from Scotland. I don't really like to call it orphanage  because people usually get this awful image of poor little starving orphans living in terrible conditions. Well, of course, these girls have a difficult past and I just can imagine to what they  have been trough. This makes me appreciate my childhood and family even more. But the center they live now is a beautiful place with lovely garden and they are definitely not starving there, because the lady who cooks is kind of a grandmother figure. You know, how grandmothers always seem to think you need more food and you are losing weight even though you are so full and you feel like it's almost Christmas feeling ? It"s kind of like that there food wise, actually that's been a struggle for me because, with all the respect, she just doesn't understand that you maybe are not that hungry in this particular day. Actually it's a total Romanian thing to eat lots and do it all the time, one of the reasons why I felt like home instantly.  Ok, but what do I do on my usual day there? First, it depends on what they have to do (orders from above - meaning the lady who runs the house) it could be cleaning, paper bag making or whatever, we try to help and do our best. If i think about it now, i would say that we are just their buddy's helping with homework, speaking to them and doing necessary things together with them. Of course, we try to make our own activities as well, some things fell trough, some not but i guess that's just life, when you re working with teenage girls. We had some success with friendship bracelets, yoga, Mandela drawings, painting and making stuff like earnings and necklaces. To be honest, I have to mention , that mainly we are doing this because they are organizing fundraisers, where they try to sell all these stuff.  All right , this is why i don't like blogging that much, I never know when I m saying too much or too less, and I m already a bit bored now. I m going to put some photos  to keep you entertained. 
candle holders

Yoga - well something like it

with some of the girls and staff from Maria-Gabriel

Really early on, Mhairi has her eyes closed, but still  a good photo

Part of the bag making manufacture

    All in all i feel pretty happy here. I have met so many amazing people and I think I m changing a bit. And it s quite rewarding to see good results of your work  allthough working with children was never my ambition. I don't know, I hope I keep reflecting and learning more. see you ;) noapte buna

1 comment:

  1. Hi ilze, I don't know if you'll ever read this, but if you do, could you flick me an email please? I'd love some more information on the girls' orphanage you visited!
    My email is

    Thank you so much! :)
